Easiest Way to Prepare Ultimate Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs)

Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs)

Hello everybody, I hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, How to Prepare Super Quick Homemade Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs). One of my favorites. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

When it comes to cooking, it is crucial to keep in mind that everyone started somewhere. I do not know of a single person who was born with a wooden cooking spoon and ready to go. There is a whole lot of learning that must be done as a way to develop into prolific cook and then there is definitely room for improvement. Not only would you will need to start with the basics in terms of cooking however you almost must start when learning to cook a fresh cuisine such as Chinese, Indian, Thai, or Indian food.

Which means that at any particular time in your cooking cycles there's quite probably someone somewhere that's better and/or worse at cooking compared to you personally. Take heart from this as even the very best have bad days in terms of cooking. There are several people who cook for several factors. Some cook as a way to consume and live while others cook since they actually like the whole process of cooking. Some cook through the times of emotional trauma and many others cookout of utter boredom. Whatever your reason behind cooking or learning to cook you should always begin with the fundamentals.

Cooking healthy isn't an overnight shift; it is a lifestyle change that should really be implemented one step at a time. You do not need to go into your kitchen and through out every little thing that you deem'unhealthy' just work to not buy more of these items after they will have been used. Make wiser decisions when purchasing carbs for food prep and you may see that you've made an incredibly important stage in the procedure for integrating healthful cooking and eating customs at home.

Many things affect the quality of taste from Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs), starting from the type of ingredients, then the selection of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut dishes to how to make and serve them. Don't worry if you want to prepare Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs) delicious at home, because if you already know the trick then this dish can be used as an extraordinary special treat.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs) using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Easy fried egg recipe! The crunchy texture on the top is a really nice contrast to the soft egg. In Thailand, it's more common to almost deep fry the egg, so you could instead add enough oil to cover the eggs if you desire a more fried egg.

Ingredients and spices that need to be Make ready to make Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs):

  1. 6 eggs
  2. Sweetened chilli sauce for spring rolls
  3. 2 tbs canola oil/any desired oil

Instructions to make to make Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs)

  1. Hard boil the eggs, then peel them and slice them in half.
  2. Add oil to a pan heated on medium and place the halved eggs down on the heated pan.
  3. Fry the eggs until browned on medium heat. Be careful that the yolks do not fall out of their pits. Set aside on a plate.
  4. Heat the chilli sauce on the same pan to warm it. When warmed, pour on top of fried eggs. Salt to taste.

While this is by no means the end all be guide to cooking quick and easy lunches it is excellent food for thought. The stark reality is that will get your own creative juices flowing so you could prepare excellent lunches for the family without the need to do too terribly much heavy cooking through the practice.

So that's going to wrap it up for this exceptional food Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Favorite Khai Luk Koei (fried hard boiled eggs). Thanks so much for reading. I am sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!

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